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Using Wireless Service While Cruising or Traveling Abroad

Travelers who select a mobile plan designed for a cruise or international getaway are headed toward a worry-free vacation. Arriving in a faraway land, speaking a foreign language and using an unfamiliar currency are taxing enough. For some vacationers, being on a cruise without a cell phone is one adventure too many. That is why everyone’s list of to-dos before jetting off on an unforgettable trip should include signing up for the best mobile plan for international travel.

Before families or couples climb aboard a cruise ship or buckle in for an overseas flight, they should follow these tips for using mobile phones during travel:

Wireless Mobile Plans for Cruises

Cell phones can be used via a cruise ship’s onboard Wi-Fi, and if that is not an option, passengers can connect to the vessel’s mobile network. To avoid expensive pay-per-use rates and cell phone roaming charges on a cruise, travelers should contact their wireless providers and sign up for one of the carriers’

mobile plans designed for cruises. Here are some details about FTC’s Cruise Package:

  • FTC service is available on more than 175 cruise ships offering cell phone coverage during Alaskan cruises, European voyages and journeys to other popular destinations.
  • Families and couples traveling together need to add a cruise package to every device they will use on the trip to avoid roaming charges.
  • Cellular service activates nine to 11 nautical miles from shore and because cruise ships have wireless networks on board, the connection continues any distance traveled out to sea.
  • Talk, text and data plans for cruises remain active for 30 days, making them ideal for anyone setting off on a long trip.
  • International Day Plans are service add-ons for cruise passengers who plan to use their cellular devices during land excursions or stops in destination countries.

Money-Saving Tips for Using a Mobile Phone on a Cruise Ship

Even those who opt for a mobile plan for a cruise can take extra precautions to avoid roaming and data usage. Whether a cruise guest plans to connect to the ship’s Wi-Fi or rely on a cruise-specific wireless plan, these tips can reduce usage and charges while at sea:

  • A wireless cruise package is more economical than pay-per-use rates, so anyone who wants to stay connected via talk, text or social media should consider a mobile plan.
  • Tracking cellular data via an app or a device’s built-in monitor can alert phone users to possible overages.
  • Adding an international day pass plan along with a cruise package is an affordable way for cruise passengers to stay connected while at port, land or sea without constant management.
  • Cruise passengers without the appropriate wireless plans will incur roaming fees if their cell phones are not changed to airplane mode within about 10 nautical miles of the shore or when out to sea without Wi-Fi access.
  • Phone users can turn off data roaming capabilities in the device’s settings and connect to the ship’s Wi-Fi network for activities beyond talking or texting.
  • Apps that rely on a device’s location, like those for navigation, news and weather, should be shut down to avoid unexpected data usage.
  • Careful app management (turning off any programs that run in the background) can prevent programs from using data that might exceed the amount allowed by the device cruise plan.
  • Downloading movies, music and other content to devices is faster and more economical from a home network.
  • Vacationers should use Wi-Fi to send large pictures and videos to friends or family back home.

International Mobile Day Passes for Ship Ports, Excursions and Vacations

In place of charging customers for every minute of talk, individual text, photo or video message and kilobyte of data, FTC offers International Day Pass plans. When a phone connects to any mobile network while on land or in a port, cruise passengers are automatically charged $12 for one calendar day of access to the domestic wireless plan. The device may be used to check emails, surf the web, scroll social media, send texts or make unlimited calls to eligible countries without incurring additional fees beyond the $12. These other features of FTC’s international wireless plan appeal to travelers:

  • FTC International Mobile Day Passes offer connectivity in 210+ eligible countries (cruise ships do not qualify).
  • Families and couples on a shared wireless plan can add a second device to the International Day Plan for just $6 for the same calendar day.
  • There is no need to remove the International Day Pass upon returning to the United States since the $12 daily fee is initiated only when the phone is used in another country.
  • If the device does not connect to a foreign mobile network, the $12 fee will not be charged.

Money-Saving Tips for Using International Mobile Plans

  • Switching phones to airplane mode can safeguard them from accidentally connecting to a mobile network and triggering the $12 daily fee.
  • The calendar day for the calling plan begins the moment the phone connects to the network and ends at midnight; phone users should plan appropriately to get the most use out of the $12 fee.
  • Since calls are unlimited on an International Day Pass plan, travelers should turn off Wi-Fi calling to avoid fees from a domestic calling plan or international long-distance package.
  • Travelers venturing from one country to the next should be aware of where they are to avoid connecting to a network outside of the eligible list and incurring pay-per-use rates.

Mobile Plans for International Travel

Getting a specific phone plan for international travel is not mandatory, but it is an economical choice for anyone traveling abroad. Not only do international mobile plans keep tourists connected to people back home, but these service packages allow globetrotters to use their devices to translate languages, convert currency and navigate unfamiliar cities without worrying about expensive roaming fees.

FTC’s mobile plan for international travel includes more than 200 countries in destinations throughout Asia, Australia, Europe, Central America, South America, the Middle East, the South Pacific Islands and the Caribbean. The flexibility of paying only when the phone is used helps travelers stick to their budgets and the unlimited talk, text, and data keep them connected without needing to track usage.

How To Prepare a Cell Phone for International Travel

Vacationers do not need separate phones to travel internationally, but making a few adjustments to standard devices can help a trip abroad go more smoothly. Signing up for an international wireless service plan is the best way to prepare a cell phone for traveling abroad, but these additional steps can make sure a device is ready for use overseas:

  • Download messenger apps that work over Wi-Fi in case mobile networks are unavailable.
  • Check for security updates so that connecting to public networks does not expose personal information.
  • Clear storage space or upgrade to a new phone with better storage capacity so maps, tickets, confirmation emails and other travel documents may be downloaded and accessed offline if needed.
  • Verify remote connections to the home’s alarm system for peace of mind and improved security while on vacation.

What Is the Best Option for Using a Phone Internationally?

Getting a mobile International Day Pass is the best option for someone who wants to use his or her mobile device while visiting a foreign country; this type of plan is cheaper than a pay-per-use service and the user will enjoy the same unlimited access as back home.

Anyone traveling on a Carnival, Disney or Royal Caribbean Cruise is better off adding a cruise package to his or her existing device plan to connect via the ship’s mobile network seamlessly. Wireless internet is a third way to use a phone during international travel, although mobile networks are often more secure than shared public Wi-Fi.

Managing tickets and vacation plans is easier with reliable cell phone coverage and an affordable plan. Cruise passengers and travelers heading abroad should consult FTC for wireless plans designed for international getaways.