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6 business benefits of using virtual servers

When a business needs a way to keep its computer files, business critical applications, mail servers, website files and a range of other digital assets secure and easily accessible to approved users, a virtual server can provide a simple and effective solution with a long list of benefits.

Powered by a network connected, offsite virtual machine that is also known as a “cloud-based server,” a virtual server can house and manage a business’s network resources remotely, making them accessible at any time from anywhere via the internet (or through “the cloud”). A virtual server can also replace most physical onsite servers and, especially for businesses without an internal IT staff, save users a lot of headache and hassle.

The following are benefits a business can leverage by utilizing a virtual server to house and manage its digital assets:

  1. Cost savings: For many businesses, especially smaller ones, the expenses of handling their own hosting services can be cost prohibitive. This is because self-hosting can involve a number of significant outlays with especially high up-front costs. The biggest expenditures involved in self-hosting typically include costs associated with hardware, software and IT staffing, as well as ongoing outflows related to equipment maintenance, training expenses and more. When a virtual server is employed, the provider handles all of these costs on its end and the business pays only a monthly subscription/service fee, along with up-front setup fees in some cases.
  1. Scalability and access from anywhere: When a business uses a virtual server, employees do not have to be in the office to access their business critical files. Rather, with the right setup and software, they can access all of the files and applications they need to get their jobs done from anywhere via an internet connection. And for businesses with multiple locations, a virtual server enables easy multi-office connectivity and scalability, which saves money and simplifies processes.
  1. Expert support: At most businesses, the workforce is well versed in what the organization does and has a vast working knowledge of its products and services, but information technology is not often on the list of staff proficiencies. So, especially for smaller businesses without an IT staff, the technical intricacies of operating an in-house server can be beyond the expertise of the typical employee. However, when a business uses a virtual server, it gains access to a staff of IT professionals whose primary focus is server installation, maintenance and performance — and any needed technical support is typically just a phone call away.
  1. Enhanced security: Data security is vital in today’s digitally driven business environment and quality providers of virtual servers typically have multiple levels of the latest security protections in place to safeguard their customers’ data. At FTC, all customers’ virtual servers are secure by design. Each virtual machine FTC provides is isolated from those of other customers at both the software and the network levels.
  1. High levels of reliability and uptime: Server downtime can create major headaches for a business, slowing productivity and even bringing it to a complete halt. With backup systems in place and a constant eye on maintaining uptime, providers of virtual servers can help keep server downtime to a minimum.
  1. A range of available services: In addition to hosting a business’s digital resources, providers of virtual servers can also deliver a range of valuable additional services and support measures for their customers. Among the value adding options available — and often included — with most hosted servers are daily backups and server restoration, offsite data storage, geo-redundant servers, generator backup for hardware, antivirus protection, server administration and around-the-clock monitoring. At FTC, all customers’ virtual machines are backed up daily and the backup data is kept for eight weeks with extended backup retention available for those customers who require it. When restoration is needed, a customer’s entire server or an individual file can be restored.

Do you need a hosted server to house and manage your business’s digital resources — like websites, web applications, digital files, email accounts and more — along with the local expertise needed to support it? Visit to explore FTC’s hosting options and to review its rates and services. To get local, expert IT help for your business in a number of tech-related areas, including Hosted Services, Managed IT, Cybersecurity, Point-of-Sale systems and more, visit FTC IT Solutions today.