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How Waiting Room TVs Can Improve Customer Relationships

For businesses with inherently long wait times, like auto shops and medical offices, waiting room TVs can improve customer relationships by providing more satisfying wait times and connecting customers with staff via shared interests. By offering perks like Wi-Fi in a waiting room, businesses can craft a positive experience for customers by giving them a welcome distraction while they wait.

The waiting room often serves as the first and main touchpoint between the customer and the business, making the waiting room experience a critical element in a customer’s first impression.

Businesses looking to improve their waiting rooms and customer relationships should look beyond the traditional stack of magazines and consider how adding FTC TV can elevate the customer waiting experience.

Why Businesses Should Consider Adding a Waiting Room TV

  1. Waiting Room TVs Create a More Satisfying Experience for Customers: No matter the business segment, offering on-screen entertainment in the waiting room gives guests something to occupy their time while they wait. Keeping customers entertained can go a long way toward making their wait time seem shorter and helping the business leave them with a more positive impression.
  1. Diverse Channel Offerings Allow Businesses to Control their Waiting Room Experience: FTC Business’s TV package for Private Office and Waiting Areas offers viewers a long list of channels to choose from with plentiful local options as well as national networks. Whether a business’s clientele prefers children’s shows, sports, news, weather, educational content or other entertainment, the channel lineup includes options to match their tastes.
  1. TVs Are Easy To Set Up and Maintain: When businesses subscribe to an FTC TV plan, installation professionals will make an on-site visit to get all TVs and set-top boxes set up and working properly. This makes the process of adding televised waiting room entertainment easy on the business, even for enterprises without on-staff technical expertise.
  1. High-Definition Channels Create a High-Quality Experience: FTC delivers an impressive lineup of high-definition programming options to ensure picture-perfect video for waiting room viewers. These include HD channel offerings from major local networks like ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX; popular networks like Disney, ESPN and Lifetime Movie Network; plus a range of premium channels.
  1. Local Channels Create a Sense of Community: With the FTC Now channel, waiting room viewers are treated to an array of exclusive local content. FTC Now shines a spotlight on area people, businesses and restaurants plus it provides community-focused coverage of local events, festivals and sports, including a full schedule of local high school football games.
  2. Waiting Room TVs Can Help Customers Bond With Staff and Each Other: TV programming creates opportunities for small talk between frontline staff and customers, forging a stronger bond between all involved. Customers might open up more to staff and that improved communication can result in a better overall customer experience.

Why Are Waiting Room TVs Important?

Waiting room TVs are an important part of a business’s customer experience plan. If a business requires customers to wait on-site, in person, a waiting room TV can satisfy the customers while they wait and leave them with a positive first impression of the business.

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