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What Are Premium Wi-Fi Add-Ons?

Wi-Fi add-ons are devices and programs that improve a home’s internet service with a far-reaching signal range, parental controls and enhanced security. Customers can mix and match Premium Wi-Fi features to choose the functions that best meet their needs.

Connectivity Add-Ons for Wi-Fi

A traditional Wi-Fi connection operates from a single router. Several factors can slow down an internet connection, including obstructions, a limited range and interference from other electronics or nearby networks. A household that experiences consistent drops in coverage should consider switching to a higher-quality internet plan with a mesh access point to extend coverage where a signal is weak.

Some households install Wi-Fi boosters or extenders to help improve the network signal, but a mesh system will provide seamless connectivity. People often think there is a difference between a Wi-Fi booster and a Wi-Fi extender, but the distinctions are negligible as each electronic device amplifies a router’s signal to improve connectivity. The technology a household with connection issues should be comparing is a mesh network for Premium Wi-Fi and a Wi-Fi extender.

Premium Wi-Fi is a smart wireless system of mesh access points that delivers a strong, consistent internet signal superior to what basic boosting equipment can provide. The best mesh Wi-Fi add-on is a complete overhaul, rather than an additional device. The access points work in sync to hand off a connection based on whichever unit is providing the strongest signal. Whether a person travels to a far-reaching corner of a home or into a room with several smart devices or connected users, the internet connection remains steady.

Parental Control Wi-Fi Add-Ons

Not only are parents today tasked with deciding how much screen time is too much for kids, but they also have to filter the content being viewed and enforce time limits. Adding ExperienceIQ to FTC internet is the easiest way to employ a parental controls solution, and thanks to a user-friendly app, monitoring and time management are seamless. While some third-party programs are capable of adding parental controls to a Wi-Fi router, these can be difficult to configure, expensive and less intuitive than ExperienceIQ. A good parental control Wi-Fi system that does more than restrict screen time, ExperienceIQ also offers these capabilities:

  • Blocks access to entire internet categories, apps and websites
  • Removes inappropriate content from search results
  • Works across any Wi-Fi-enabled device, including gaming systems, smart TVs and mobile devices
  • Schedules access by user
  • Is configurable by person, age or another filter

Wi-Fi Network Security Add-Ons

Unsecured Wi-Fi networks give cybercriminals access to a home’s router and access points to gather personal data and compromise financial information. ProtectIQ, a top network security add-on, is the best way for households to stop digital threats proactively. This robust service keeps every Wi-Fi-enabled device that is connected to the Wi-Fi network protected and monitored and it can send security alerts. With ProtectIQ, residents can expect:

  • Real-time data monitoring and reports on targeted attacks
  • Blocks on any activity deemed suspicious or malicious
  • Anti-virus and anti-spyware packet inspection
  • Malware scanning and removal

Wi-Fi With Support Add-Ons

Not everyone with a strong internet connection is a power user. Thankfully, Premium Wi-Fi Plus provides add-on services for network security, file sharing and password management to keep any household’s tech up to snuff. With device support, tuneup services and firewall protections, the Plus Wi-Fi upgrade feels much like having an in-home IT team.

Everyone appreciates feeling at ease while working, learning or playing from a fast, reliable home network. Upgrading to a more robust plan, like gigabit internet service, solves speed issues and Wi-Fi add-ons tailor services to any household’s needs. Families who value a long Wi-Fi range, secure connections and easy parental oversight should visit today.