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Why and How Should Businesses Utilize Social Media?

When social media was born in 1997 with, many people were reluctant to participate and so the platform didn’t last. Other platforms followed, like Myspace and soon thereafter Facebook, and now the list of social media platforms as well as the number of users is really, really long. 

Research by multiple sources shows that the number of people on social media has eclipsed 5 billion or about 62.5% of the world’s population. To take it a step further, well over 90% of internet users utilize some social media platform. 

For those operating a business, that’s a lot of potential customers. And for those who question whether a business should be on social media, those statistics should provide the easy answer: Yes!

There are many benefits to being on social media that far outweigh any negatives. And even the negatives can be turned into positives. 

First, it is cheap. There are not many ways to reach out to the public for free. Also, it is a great way to engage with customers and potential customers. A business can post promotions or sales or show a new product. It can also use social media to inform the public that it is closing for a holiday or if it is having issues, especially those that might impact its customers. The business can also push potential customers to its website for more information. One more benefit is if a company can serve more than just its immediate area, social media is a simple way to extend its reach to new markets.

One important tidbit to remember is excessive posts can annoy the audience to the point where they might not even look at them. The key is to post a reasonable amount, provide important information and on occasion include some posts that will simply amuse or pique readers’ interests. 

The one thing that could concern businesses is negative comments. Generally speaking, the key for the organizations is to not ignore those posts but instead engage the people who wrote them as potential customers. Businesses could also use the posts as opportunities to communicate with the posters about past negative experiences, some that might be overcome with simple conversations. Or it could be that the posters have simply received some errant information that some short exchanges might easily correct. In most cases, they will appreciate being listened to regardless. 

And while the posts are vital, it is equally important for the business or organization to monitor what is being posted on their sites. As an aside, Google Alerts can also be set up to see what is being said on other sites, which could also be helpful in preserving a company’s reputation or image.  

Another question is which platform is best for a business? That would depend on what services or products the business offers. If it is a service business and will be producing its posts on a wireless device, Facebook might be a good choice. If a company builds or sells unique items, like furniture, it might want to use Instagram or Pinterest. Or maybe a combination of all three. Or if a company  would benefit from video, it might want to utilize YouTube or TikTok, maybe to offer advice or DIY tips. One more example is an organization that is constantly reporting news or developments of the day; X (formerly known as Twitter) could be the right route. (like an investment company reporting what the stock market did during the day).

Regardless of which platform or platforms a company selects, getting the word out is the most important step it can take. The number of followers/fans/users it has will continue to grow if done well and hopefully its business will grow right along with it!