How To Be Productive Working From Home

The best practices to utilize to be more productive when working from home are to designate a workstation, establish boundaries with family or roommates, plan for IT needs and use apps designed to maintain connections with staff and customers. While…
How Waiting Room TVs Can Improve Customer Relationships

For businesses with inherently long wait times, like auto shops and medical offices, waiting room TVs can improve customer relationships by providing more satisfying wait times and connecting customers with staff via shared interests. By offering perks like Wi-Fi in…
How To Secure Business Internet

Proper internet security for a business requires multiple layers of features designed to protect all internet-connected devices associated with the business. While business owners might look to more obvious vulnerabilities like shared public WiFi or office computers, all digital touchpoints…
5 Common Cybersecurity Threats in the Workplace

Most employees know to be careful when clicking on emails they receive from unfamiliar senders. But as cybercriminals and their tactics become more sophisticated, recognizing a scam has grown more challenging while the threats and consequences of these tactics have…
What Is the Best Videoconferencing and How To Have Better Videoconferences

Even before the global pandemic increased demand for Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, and a host of other top videoconferencing applications, the videoconference was already a staple of the 21st-century office. After all, virtual meetings are the foundation of telecommuting, which…