Fiber Optics is the Future of Internet!!
Fiber optics is today’s most sought-after method for sending and receiving data. Fiber to business delivers this technology to businesses, allowing for huge data bandwidths and the absolute fastest internet speeds. No matter what your usage requirements are both now and into the future, a direct fiber connection ensures that you will have the best experience possible. Fiber to business is the future of data transport and the Cooperative has embarked on an extensive five year fiber build in the FTC service area to increase the number of businesses directly connected to the fiber network.
FTC’s Fiber Build Plan
Currently, FTC has fiber available to 84% of the business and residential address points in the Cooperative footprint with 800 more miles under construction or in the staking phase. Since the company launched its fiber project in 2019, 2,000 miles of fiber have been completed.
For the year, FTC is on track to add more than 500 miles of network and could possibly reach 600 miles. Last year, 650 miles were completed.
See the map below showing the fiber build details.
How does Fiber to Business work?
Fiber optics uses laser pulses to transmit billions of bits of data per second through strands of glass. These glass strands are so pure the light emitted by a burning candle can be viewed through them from 7 miles away! These laser pulses transport electronic data at up to 2.4 Gbps. That’s more than 100 times faster than traditional, non-fiber methods. The laser pulses are converted to electronic signals via optical network terminals and distributed throughout the home as internet service, voice, digital TV, video surveillance, etc.
What are the benefits of Gigabit internet?
Many people don’t realize just how many smart devices are using bandwidth in their business. Devices like pc’s, laptops, tablets, cell phones, video surveillance systems, smart televisions, and others rely on having enough bandwidth to function properly. With inadequate bandwidth, everything slows down — much like a congested highway. Our 1 Gig internet service is symmetrical which allows for 1 Gig downstream and 1 Gig upstream providing you with the absolute Best Internet Experience in the marketplace.
FTB and Gigabit internet provide:
- Zero buffering
- Super-fast downloads and uploads
- Ability to stream content for video conferencing and webinars
- Improved reliability and less susceptibility to inclement weather such as lightning
- Easier to maintain remotely